Make a payment

How to pay your rent


You are responsible for paying your rent and service charges to Forseti, whether this is via Housing Benefit or from other funds. Non-payment of rent is a breach of tenancy and if not resolved can result in the loss of your home. A reference should be given for any payments into Forseti’s bank account, so we can quickly allocate the payment to you. 

Please select an option below to find out more information about how to pay your rent to Forseti.


Standing Order

A standing order to Forseti is an instruction to your bank to send Forseti a fixed amount of money at set intervals.

Cheques or Cash

Forseti accepts cheques posted to the office. You can pay cash into Forseti’s bank account at any XXXX branch, via online banking, or via the Post Office.


Bank Transfer

Rent can be paid to Forseti’s account at XXXX Bank

Account Number: XXXXXXXX

Sort Code: XXXXXX

Housing Benefits

Forseti can help you claim housing benefit which will assist you to pay some or all of your rent.