Useful information

Useful Info


Find out the answers to any questions you have below. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, drop us a line at the bottom of the page.


Q: What does Forseti Homes do?

A: We are a landlord which provides Social Housing to those that need it the most. We ensure that we uphold the rights of our tenants and that they adhere to their responsibilities as tenants. We provide information to all tenants in an easy to understand format. We are also able to adapt homes to be bespoke to your needs and a maintenance service which is available around the clock, depending on the severity of the problem

We also stay in close contact with local authorities and other important providers where relevant so that we are fully aware of your circumstances. We are also able to provide other services, such as gardening and communal cleaning, once we have had cost approval from the local authority

We vet all out staff so you can trust them and we also provide assistance with claiming housing benefits and other financial benefits

Q: What rights do I have as a tenant of Forseti homes?

A: You have the right:

  • to a home which is kept in good condition

  • to a safe and secure home

  • for your tenancy to not be changed without due warning

  • to a peaceful residence

  • to receive all the services you are paying for to be provided

  • to expect reasonable adjustments to be made

  • to expect Forseti Homes to act lawfully

You can find further information on your rights in your tenancy agreement

Q: What responsibilities do I have?

A: You must ensure that you:

  • Pay the rent, council tax and bills on time

  • Respect the property and not cause damage.

  • Maintain a clean and tidy house

  • Report maintenance issues to us immediately

  • Inform us of changes to your circumstances, including income

  • Inform us if you are going away for more than two weeks

  • Do not break the law and respect your neighbours and co-tenants

  • Allow access to Forseti Homes’ staff and to any maintenance workers

  • Insure your possessions

  • Give written notice should you want to end your tenancy

You can find further information on your rights in your tenancy agreement

Q: What’s the best way for me to contact you?

A: You can contact Forseti Homes by email, or by the form at the bottom of the this page. We will endeavour to respond to you within three working days. If the matter is urgent, then you can call us on XXXX. This is the number that can be used for emergency maintenance as well

Q: Do you also provide care?

A: Forseti Homes does not provide care services to its tenants, however many of it’s tenants already have a care and support package in place with a separate care provider. We do provide support however, to ensure that any problems with the property are addressed in a timely fashion. All other support is provided by your care provider.

Q: Can I end my tenancy?

A: You can leave Forseti Homes’ accommodation by writing to us, stating you would like to terminate your tenancy, with a minimum of one-months notice. This is only possible after living in your property for a minimum of six months

Notice is only accepted If it is provided to Forseti Homes, not to any other organisation or person

If you need help from someone to write the notice, then you must provide us with written confirmation of the person acting on your behalf. Alternatively, they must have been appointed by the Court of Protection to have such rights

Q: What happens when my tenancy ends?

A: Please ensure you do the following when your tenancy ends:

  • Remove all of your possessions that you brought into the house or flat

  • Fix any damages which you are responsible for

  • Ensure the accommodation you rented has been cleaned

  • Ensure all keys have been returned

  • Ensure all rent, relevant bills and council tax have been paid

Forseti Homes has the right to charge you if the above tasks are not fulfilled

Q: Can I go on holiday during my tenancy?

A: Of course you can go on holiday, but if it is for longer than 2 weeks, you must inform Forseti Homes please. If your holiday is for more than 4 weeks we will notify if applicable, the Housing Benefits Department. This may cancel your claim to Social Housing benefits whilst you are away. Thus, you would need to cover your rent during this period away. We advise you to consider if you have the finances to cover this before booking a holiday